The Metaverse has caused a revolution in that it has generated clear expectations of changes in the traditional form of interaction between people in the broadest sense of the concept. Immersion in digital environments and interaction with avatars and scenarios representing a new digital reality will generate a digital transformation that will revolutionize how companies digitize their resources and monetize them towards Metaverse users. This digitization has traditional economic aspects like digital markets, resource exchange, resource ownership, and buying/selling. These aspects must be implemented with technologies that enable decentralization and efficient and secure management of these resources. This technology has a name, and it is called Blockchain. However, not only the economic aspects associated with Blockchain should be considered, but also the possible applications within the Metaverse. Applications and services will support the projection of digital rights, the securitization of the Metaverse and the authentication of the identity of the avatars (at the time of the interactions between these avatars and the digital markets existing in the Metaverse). This workshop will therefore focus on showing the advantages and disadvantages (as well as the possible barriers in the deployment of solutions) of Blockchain technology in the different applications and aspects where it has a direct (or not so direct) application in the Metaverse.
- Blockchain applications in the Metaverse
- Blockchain-enabled digital markets in the Metaverse
- Cryptocurrencies for Metaverse
- NFTs for the Metaverse: integration and applications
- Protecting Digital Assets in the Metaverse with Blockchain
- AI and Blockchain fusion for Metaverse
- Smart contract technology in the Metaverse
- Blockchain-Empowered Authentication in Metaverse
- Blockchain-based Governance in Metaverse
- Security and Privacy for Metaverse
Organizing Committee
- Rafael Pastor Vargas, UNED (Spain)
- Antonio Robles-Gómez, UNED (Spain)
Program Committee
- Agustin Caminero Herráez (UNED)
- Llanos Tobarra Abad (UNED)